Book Trailer


Hellen Gailey

Helen has always enjoyed historic English Literature and has taken a deep interest in her English ancestors. She attended the University of Ballarat where she completed a degree in Professional Writing and Editing. She enjoyed it immensely. Over the course of several decades she has written several stories, though this is her first book of this length. She has always had a passion for writing. Thanks to a loving Husband her confidence has blossomed. She enjoys the time she has for writing. Most of all she has wanted to follow the advice of her dear Mother before she died some years ago: ‘Don’t give up your writing’! Offering words crafted in her more mature years, she is happily married and lives in Tucson, Arizona with her husband. She is Australian by birth and has two adult sons and one grandson living in Australia. –This text refers to the hardcover edition.

About the Book

Set in eighteenth-century London, England. This fictional novel touches on the life of the upper crust and those who served them. As they both come together, foolish choices and harrowing consequences take two women—one an aristocrat and the other her servant—into a storm of trial, scorn, and tribulation. Stripped of title, recognition, and value, one wonders who the heroine really is, Catherine or Betsy? Catherine repeatedly asks, “How will Lord Edward find us?” A twisted and perverse judge condemns these two women to the Australian colonies. What is his motivation? Why would he want to hurt two women he’d never seen before? When everything about her life and station no longer has meaning, tears flow for Catherine. What has she done? Her foolishness has bought shame both on herself and her dearest friend, Betsy. How can she go on if they are parted? As Betsy looks back in time, her memories share love, concern, and deep anxiety. As she looks forward, she questions, “Am I worthy of kindness above my station?”



I usually don’t read this type of book. I am more of an action-adventure type guy. This book was recommended by a friend and I hesitantly agreed to give it a shot. Once I got into it I could not believe what a great book it was. It contained the adventure I love plus some added drama and strong friendships. Now I have an open mind about new styles of books. This book was a great surprise!


I read this book for my weekly book club. Everyone in the club including myself loved this book. It is filled with excitement page after page. I love the kind of books that keep my interest throughout the entire book. My club discussed this book for hours. The part of the story I liked the most was the unlikely friendship that blossomed between.

Brent Chipman

A story of adventure, hardship, true friendship, and love. A reminder that in life's most difficult challenges, the loyalty of someone who truly cares makes all the difference!

Ken Gailey

I was interested by the history hidden in the story. The story revealed some unpleasant truths about 19th century England and the effort to colonize Australia. I found the characters engaging and the book well crafted. Among my better reads for the season.


I spent one night to finish reading. Cannot stop reading. It’s a book that once you start wants to know the end!

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